FootballSX combines the best of both. FootballSX players prices are valued based on a combination of players Performance (97%) & Demand (3%), benchmarked vs. the average of all players in the game. The better a player plays the more their share price grows. Performances are measured using easy to follow fantasy football-style metrics. Equally the more shares sold in a player the more their price grows. In an ideal world you hit the sweet spot and buy a player who hits form and has a surge of popularity at the same time for maximum payback.
FootballSX uses a pool-betting model; all monies speculated by customers are pooled into a collective ‘game pot’. The pot underwrites the value of each players share-price. The net effect is that all share-prices and by extension portfolio values are i) backed up by real money and ii) the FootballSX marketplace is open 24/7, whether you want to buy or sell. Our pool-bet game structure provides customers with a better, more transparent and secure user experience than any bookmaker or stock market.
Players based in Europe's Top 5 leagues—England, Spain, Italy, Germany, and France—who have played a minimum of 30 games in the last 2 seasons. Players with less than 30 games can be tracked in our pre-IPO.
All national leagues and cups, European and World Club cup competitions, and all major international competitions.